Spiced Apple Cider

by Darlene Kwiatkowski
Spiced Apple Cider
Darlene Kwiatkowski
Photograph - Photography
The Harvest Collection
Exhibit Three
November 2nd, 2013
Similar Subjects
Comments (48)

Clotilde Espinosa
Revisiting this beauty my dear friend..it reminded me of a song that says: cinnamon skin, I like you , and nobody else but you....is very romantic and with nice rhythm ...Hugs!! F/L.

Aaron Whittemore
Very special intimate lighting, really accentuates the beauty. Amazing image, Darlene. V/F

Darlene Kwiatkowski
What a beautiful thing to say... Thank you so very much Kellice, that meant a lot to me :) :)

Kellice Swaggerty
Darlene, this is so beautiful! I read all of your biography. You have definitely more than achieved the quality of artistic expression to which you aspired! F/V FB

Rolando Burbon
This IS A Great Shot; Beautiful Composition With Such Rich And Captivating Tones. FV / FB

Marsha Heiken
Darlene,second I love this one! Reminds me of Ginger.Great composition and the best lighting ever. Thanks for such a kind comment. Have a great weekend. We have rain,not good. Hugs,Marsha fv
Darlene Kwiatkowski replied:
Big hug back at ya, Marsha :) !! Rain here too... dark and dreary - ugh!