Sound of Silence

by Darlene Kwiatkowski
Sound of Silence
Darlene Kwiatkowski
Photograph - Photography
September 21st, 2014
Similar Subjects
Comments (55)

Gabriella Weninger - David
WOW... What Beautiful flowers and fantastic capture... The colors are simply AMAZING... FANTASTIC work Darlene!

Kym Backland
Love this purple beauty... I think I have been here before... Oh well, gives me a chance to say Happy Thanksgiving, and have a wonderful holiday season. Thanks for your comments and votes and stuff... Thinking of you today Darlene........LF

Kym Backland
Gorgeous flowers as always Darlene, I love this new collection. Of course the purple always catches my eye! (why do we say EYE? Not catches my EYES?) hehe.. These would look great in a bedroom collection. Thanks for your visits and votes over at my place.. LF

Anne-Elizabeth Whiteway
DARLENE, this is another of your many, many gorgeous works. I am enthralled and fascinating every time I visit your site. Bravo for you. Another fave. LF

Darlene Kwiatkowski
I am truly blessed to have such great friends here on FAA... Thank You for your support and nice thoughts - They all touch my heart! :))

Mick Anderson
Dar, I agree with Marsha... how sensuous and silky!! It really brings to life the lyrics of the S&G song, "Sound of Silence"... Hugs to you for a super image!!! :) F/V

Marsha Heiken
Darlene,How sensuous and silky this is. Looks like a gown could made of it. Want to touch it. Thanks dear friend for the comments. Hugs dear friend,Marsha fv