Land of the Sparkling Sun

by Darlene Kwiatkowski
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Comments (36)

Michael Van Beber
I am setting here in front of my computer listening to the wind howl outside and feeling cold, then I found this image and every thing just got warm and quiet! This is a great shot!

Nick Boren
I just had to comment on your wonderful image again dear Darlene... You caught the sun reflection just right in this one and the water looks like it has little "gems" in it.. ;-))))

Deb Halloran
Darlene, Another gorgeous capture! You have composed this beautifully with wonderful color and light..so peaceful. Well done! v/f

Mahmoud FineArt
Such a beautiful very well composed capture, Darlene.. I like the scattered light on water.

Sandi Mikuse
Beautiful and magical, Darlene! I love the reflection of the sunset sky in the water...and the sparkling sun on the water is dazzling! L