Just Me
by Darlene Kwiatkowski
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Comments (42)
Kym Backland
It's just you! I must be revisiting this deer. It says I already liked it before. It's funny how we end up, or I end up voting and liking the same photos. In a sea of millions of images, I keep gravitating to the same ones I liked before.. Well, all that being said... I appreciate your visit and votes and lovely kind words Darlene. I hope you enjoy this last weekend of summer and are ready for the Autumn season. How was that for a "run on" sentence? Take care my friend.. LF
Darlene Kwiatkowski replied:
Dear Kym... I hope you feel the hug and wonderful wishes heading your way!!! Thanks for taking the time to say hi!! :)))) Darlene
Mahmoud FineArt
Very Beautiful capture, Darlene. I think the deer has become very curious becouse of shutter sounds. V/F
Sandi Mikuse
Ah Darlene...I love your title...and this capture of this beautiful little deer! She seems to be posing for you! How sweet! L
Dave Farrow
Love that quizzical look....great shot of natures finest Darlene...gold for you......L/F
Deb Halloran
What a great capture, Darlene. Simply enchanting..nicely done. v/f
Darlene Kwiatkowski replied:
Thanks Deb! :) I do my best to give them special treats whenever I can! :)