Creme Fraiche

by Darlene Kwiatkowski
Creme Fraiche
Darlene Kwiatkowski
Photograph - Photography
The Harvest Collection
Exhibit Five
November 5th, 2013
Similar Subjects
Comments (31)

Darlene Kwiatkowski
Kind thanks to the buyer from Croydon, United Kingdom... I hope it brings enjoyment and positive energy to your environment! ... Darlene :)

Clotilde Espinosa
Dear darlene, your flowers have the beauty of angels...so pure and gentle...this is stunning like all!! F/L.

Tyler Robbins
Darlene...you work is always fabulous, exquisite, and presented so beautifully...I envy your skill with a camera! bravo! thanks for your visits and comments, I always appreciate them...f.v

Nick Boren
I came back to say WOW again on this one Darlene... because that is just how I feel about it. ;-)

Sandi Mikuse
OMG Darlene...I didn't think it was possible for you to do anything better than you already have...but this is IT!!!! I can only say I LOVE THIS! L/F

Nick Boren
I just don't have the proper words in my vocabulary to say just how much I love your images dear Darlene... So instead I will just say WOW! ;-)

Marsha Heiken
Darlene,Sooooo Stunning. This would go on any wall with the neutral ,gorgeous color. Even a wedding gift or Christmas. Thanks hun for the great comment,your so kind. 48 Anniversary today so don't know how many comments I'll get done. Hugs dear friend,Marsha fv
Darlene Kwiatkowski replied:
Thanks for the pitch! :) 48!!!! WOW!!!! May the heavens shine many more your way dear Marsha! :)