Blue Lagoon

by Darlene Kwiatkowski
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Comments (36)

Gloria Ssali
a truly beautiful capture Darlene love you control of media in this enchanting piece fl

Hanne Lore Koehler
Gorgeous capture and special effects, Darlene!!! Wonderful details and softness! L/F

Marsha Heiken
Darlene,I Love this,the colors,texture and composition. Gorgous art dear friend. Barometer bad,hope your day is good. Thanks for comment on art deco. I didn't see it that way,but your right. Hugs,Marsha FV

Clotilde Espinosa
Oh wow...this one is looking and flirting with me...just gorgeous and talented friend!! F/L.

Deb Halloran
Darlene, This is pure magic and so beautiful. The colors, textures and light are incredible. Nicely done. v/f