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An Affair to Remember Photograph by Darlene Kwiatkowski

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Comments (34)

Marsha Heiken

Marsha Heiken

Darlene,Had to comment again on this beautiful Daisy. Love the color and the name,which the Movie was great. Have a better day than me hun.Thanks so much for the 2 comments,your a dear. Hugs,Marsha fv

Thanks Marsha :))

Evelyn Joya

Evelyn Joya


Thank you Evelyn :)

Darlene Kwiatkowski

Darlene Kwiatkowski

Thank you William!

William Beuther

William Beuther

Beautiful! Nice composition and light. L

Darlene Kwiatkowski

Darlene Kwiatkowski

Thank you Ian! :)

Ian Mitchell

Ian Mitchell

Lovely vibrant colour......v/f !!

Marsha Heiken

Marsha Heiken

Wow,great photo. Also love the name,friend. Thanks for the comment( loved it). L HUgs,Marsha

Thank you Marsha! :)

Al Fritz

Al Fritz

Love it......wonderful soft colours...way to go! - Al,

Thank you Al! :)

Lori Frisch

Lori Frisch


Thanks :)

Bobby Dar

Bobby Dar

Like a lot......F

Thanks :)

Jenny Rainbow

Jenny Rainbow

Love the artsy approach of this floral macro! Pleasant tones here, Darlene!

Thanks so much Jenny! :)

Darlene Kwiatkowski

Darlene Kwiatkowski

Thank you Alana! :)

Alana Ranney

Alana Ranney

wow!! so pretty!!

HH Photography

HH Photography

WoW! This color is so rich and beyond beautiful. The center looks like pure gold. This is just so pretty, Darlene. v17.f

Thanks for the smile, Helen! :)

Clotilde Espinosa

Clotilde Espinosa

I must add, like Tyler you named it like the movie who always made my husband, daughter, and father in-law cry...they watched it many many times :-)

I'm smiling --- I always make sure the box of tissues is ready and waiting when I watch the movie! :)

Clotilde Espinosa

Clotilde Espinosa

Amazing work Darlene, the light and the colors are gorgeous, it looks like gold and copper are forming this beauty.!!! F/V.

Thanks for your kind words, Clotilde! :)

Tyler Robbins

Tyler Robbins

absolute is fabulous, Darlene! I love the of my favorite movies of all time...with the original cast of Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr...well done..excellent! f.v

Thanks for the big smile, Tyler! ... Yes, love the movie too! :)

Robert ONeil

Robert ONeil

Breathtakingly beautiful Darlene!! In awe of the colors and details of this macro. Bravo. V

Thanks a bunch, Robert!

Eti Reid

Eti Reid

Im not sure which talent of yours I admire more-the photo artist or the are just perfect! f/v and release these buttons underneath so we can support your images more please!

You are just so so sweet Eti :) Thank you! Buttons?? -- I don't do facebook or twitter if that's what you mean??

Laurie Search

Laurie Search

I just love the light and shadows here, Darlene!!!! :)))fv

Thank you Laurie!

Tessa Fairey

Tessa Fairey

Awesome Darlene! Magnificent lighting and presentation! v/f

Thank you Tessa!

Karen Slagle

Karen Slagle

I love all your flower images, Darlene. Your lighting is always superb and I too love your titles. This title would be a good movie title...f/v

Gee, maybe I could sell the title to Hollywood! LOL LOL!! Thanks for stopping by Karen - I love visiting your horses! :) :)

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An Affair to Remember by Darlene Kwiatkowski
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